12th May 2010....
Hospital stay -
I arrived at 12.30, like I was told but they were too busy to take me so I was to go away for an hour. Eventually I was seen at half two and given my first pessary. It had to stay in for 24 hours then be removed. Hospital is so boring and I hoped I wouldn't be there long!!! I was monitored every few hours which meant I couldn't get out of bed. I got no sleep overnight as they kept waking me to monitor the baby or my blood pressure. I was also up several times being sick.
Anyway, Thursday at 2.30 came and they checked my cervix. It had slightly softened but nowhere near enough to break my waters so I got another pessary. Six hours later they checked again and I needed another pessary. This baby was not for coming early. They had me up all night again checking baby and, again, I was up being sick.
On Friday morning I got the good news that I was 2cm dilated but the bad news that labour suite was full. I was having contractions on and off since yesterday lunch time. They could be really painful and co-codimol really didn't help and I didn't like the gas and air.
On Saturday morning at half 8 they came and told me I was ready to go to labour suite. I was excited and ready for this now. I got down about 9 o clock and they got me comfortable and just waited for the anaesthetist to come and do my epidural. Once the epidural was in they started the hormone drip which causes really strong contractions. The epidural didn't work so I felt the contractions. I needed gas and air as they were really painful. They broke my waters which was also quite sore. Eventually the anaesthetist came and resited it. The second epidural numbed part of me but I still felt the contractions in places. I used gas and air but the baby's heart rate kept dipping and they were slapping oxygen on my face and making me turn on my side. The anaesthetist came back and gave me fentanyl which helped a huge amount. At 2pm I was 6cm dilated and by 7pm I was 10cm dilated. An hour later I had to start pushing. I pushed for an hour but the baby's heart rate kept falling to 80bpm and she was lying on her side. The consultant obs came in and decided to use vontouse to get her out quickly. On Saturday 15th May 2010 at 21.24 my baby girl was born weighing 6lbs 12oz. Steve cut the cord and she was placed on my tummy.
As soon as she was placed in my arms I started being sick. Steve had to take her and I missed out on my first few minutes with my baby. Something that I will never get back. I was annoyed and upset that it was still there. I was sick about 5 times that hour then I was transferred to the ward. I wasn't sick again....
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