Week 22

11th January 2010....

It has been quite an uneventful week this week. I have been quite sick again and I am again taking medication every day. It is disappointing as I keep thinking the sickness has stopped and then I realise it is only the medication keeping it away.

I have decided I am going to try and go back to work now. My date for returning is the 20th January although I am on days off so I am not actually back until the 24th. I was hoping to get phased return as I have been off now for 4 months and I know I will really struggle to work full time straight away. However, I have been told I will not get phased return because I don't have a physical illness (which I strongly disagree with as dehydration was certainly physical).... I lost about a stone and a half within 3 weeks. Now though, I am only a couple of pounds below what the minimum weight I should be when 22 weeks pregnant (based on my height and normal weight) so I am really pleased.

I have something to look forward this week.... Steve had organised a trip to London to see Grease at Piccadilly Theatre this weekend. I am really looking forward to getting away for a night. The weekend came and went quickly but I really enjoyed it. I was so tired after travelling and walking in London and that made me feel quite sick but I managed through it without a problem. I was so tired when I got home on Sunday night but it had been worth it.

Just a week left to get myself ready for getting back to work.....

Week 21

4th January 2010

It was Steve's birthday on Monday, luckily I felt ok and we went to Stirling to a baby shop and then to Frankie and Benny's for dinner. I was full half way through my starter but it was nice to be able to enjoy his birthday. It was nice to get out and feel normal again for a while.

The rest of the week was good. This has been my best week so far and I am now aiming to get back to work on the 20th January. I just need to start eating and drinking better to build my strength back up.

On Friday, we had the "20 weeks scan". I was really nervous all week. I was worried they'd find a problem since I hadn't been eating very well. I still can't understand how a baby can survive on so little! Anyway, SHE was very healthy, no problems at all and yes, we found out we are having a wee girl. We were and are so happy. It was expected though, we did think it was a little girl. The midwife struggled to scan her because she was so lively! She was kicking away and obviously didn't enjoy being disturbed.

Steve is now feeling proper kicking as its really strong now. Emma also got to feel her moving about and kicking away. The weekend was good and we went to look at baby stuff and pick up a few things. Four months to go...its going very quickely!!

Week 20

28th December 2009

This week hasn't been so good. I am being sick every day and my tablets are helping but not preventing it. I am glad I managed to enjoy Christmas even though I didn't get such a good New Year.....

I am aiming to get back to work on the 20th January. I will be so glad to get to interact with people again although I do have a few worries. I have to have found a tablet which stops me being sick but also doesn't cause drowsiness. I am worried about the tiredness as the sickness is much worse when tired. I am worried about working in a small, hot anaesthetic room with lots of people. I am worried about how I will manage to work on the little amounts of food I am putting in my body. But needs must and I have to work to get paid!

The baby is kicking quite a bit now and I am feeling him/her every day. It is nice to know, even though I am suffering, the baby is quite happy in there!! Next week we will have the 20 week scan so fingers crossed everything is ok. It is difficult to understand how a baby can survive through this. He/she has survived weeks of me not eating or drinking, they have also managed to live through all the drugs I have had to put into my body. They have also managed to live through the stress and depression I have felt over the last 4 months. I think its amazing and they must be a real fighter!!